
Monday, August 20, 2012

The Fiesta Gods Are Smiling Down On Me!

I don't know what the heck is happening, but ever since I decided that I was going to start looking for Fiesta to use for my everyday dishes, I've been finding some every week. I have been using my red banded Corelle for about nine years now and I'm ready for something different, so I decided on the Fiesta. As soon as I can compile enough Fiesta to have enough place settings, I'm going to start using it. I found these pieces this weekend at the Goodwill.
The cobalt plates are actually snack plates and they were $1.00 each. I looked on Ebay, and these plates are going for $21.85 each minimum. The turquoise cups were .50 cents each. Soon I should have enough if my luck doesn't run out. I plan on hitting the Canton Flea Market on Labor Day weekend and there is a dish barn there that carries Fiesta. I may have to buy some items there to complete my place settings, although it is fun to find them for next to nothing. I love that challenge! Hope everyone has a good week! Tammy


  1. Oh, boy! Another new member in my special club of Fiesta Fiends! I cannot get enough of it. My cupboards groan under its weight. In the past I have had dishwasher doors crash to the ground from the heaviness of those wonderful dishes! I use it everyday and have lost maybe two or three pieces in over 16 years of collecting it. I cannot convince my sister that it is okay to use it as everyday dishes.

  2. My Great Grama gave me her turquoise plates and the saucers, if I had found those cups I would have fainted! Especially at that price!


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