
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Good Finds, No Time

For the past month, I have been very busy with vacation, the big birthday sale at the antique mall where I have my booth, getting my son to band camp, etc. I have been junking during that time when I get a free hour here and there, but no time to organize, display and take pics of my finds. I finally got a free evening last night to do that. Here's what I've found in the past several weeks:
I found these two Jim Shore angels for $5.55 each at the Goodwill. I'm keeping the one on the right because she's holding a nest of bluebirds and I love bluebirds. I love Jim Shore stuff. I love that he incorporates quilt patterns into his designs. The harvest angel on the left I'm giving to my sister-in-law. She collects Jim Shore angels, and it will be perfect for fall.
I found this pretty Made In Japan turkey platter at the Goodwill for $3.99.
One day last week I hit the dinnerware motherload. I found these Shenango Restaurantware pieces at the Goodwill. I got 8 salad plates, 7 saucers, and 8 coffee cups. All were .50 cents a piece.
I found these Frankoma dinner plates the same trip as the Shenango. There were 8 plates and I paid $1.00 per plate.
The Blue Ridge dinnerware above was bundled together for $6.99 at the Goodwill. Yep, same day and store. Told you I hit the dinnerware motherload! There were 4 dinner plates, 4 saucers, and 9 fruit bowls.
I found six Anchor Hocking Early American Prescut coasters for .50 cents each at the Goodwill three weeks ago when I was in Gatlinburg on vacation. The Goodwill store itself is in Pigeon Forge. There were lots of antique stores there, but I just didn't have time to go to them. We were busy doing more kid friendly things.
I found this adorable Black Americana cookie jar at the Salvation Army for $1.99! I think it may be a reproduction, but I don't care, I thought he was so cute.
These three 70's pillowcases were .49 cents each at the Salvation Army.
A fellow blogger, can't remember fellow bloggers name (Sorry fellow blogger!), had a post on items to be found at World Market. I happen to have a World Market in my city, so I headed over there yesterday afternoon. I bought the cute metal measuring spoons she showed on her blog, plus I found the items above. I hit the clearance section and found these cute 4th of July buckets. They were 50% off, so I got them for $1.99 each. The pennants were also in the clearance section and I bought two sets. They were also half price and I got them for $3.49 each. That's all I have for now ladies. Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Wow you did hit the motherload. Such great stuff. I love the cookie jar. So where is your store at? I'm in the DFW area.

  2. The restaurant stoneware is GREAT! I love buying two place settings of unique patterns I find at the thrift store and then there's one for him, one for me for dinners! FUN FINDS!!


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