
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The New Booth

As I mentioned in my previous post, we (me, my mom, and my brother) moved to a new antique mall. We went from a square 8x10 booth to a long, narrow 7x11 booth. We are liking the flexibility of the longer booth. The only thing we miss is having electricity in our new booth. Overall, we are doing well in the new booth having only been there a month this Saturday. This weekend we are going to hit up the famous First Monday Trade Days in Canton, TX. We always find good stuff there! I'll post my finds as well as some other items I have purchased recently. Everyone have a safe and wonderful week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Recent Finds

Below are some of my recent finds. I've been busy moving out of one antique mall and into another, so I haven't had time to post anything. I had to put new price tags on everything for the new booth. I've still got alot more to take pics of, but here some of the great things I've found lately.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's been awhile, but I'm back in action!!

I have not been blogging for several months now. Not because I'm not finding great stuff, but because I've been busy doing other things that have taken up my spare time. Just this past month, we moved out of the antique mall we have been in for two and a half years to a smaller antique mall in a better neighborhood. At our old antique mall, customers did not want to pay hardly anything for anything, and our prices were very good. We always had a good selection of different things to appeal to all kinds of antique buffs, but our sales were slowing. The final straw came when the rent went up starting January 1st. The best thing about the move is that we do not have to work 8 hours a month like we did at our former antique mall. The new mall employs their own people. We do have to pay a percentage of our sales, but we had to do that at the old place anyway.
Here's our new place! Fuffiz Antique Mall. It's pronounced "foofies". It's located in Arlington, TX. As soon as I can get our booth completely full, I will take a few pics and post them. We went from an 8 x 10 booth to a 7 x 11 booth, so it seems like we have more room. I really like having a wide booth as opposed to a square booth. I also need to post my finds from the past few months. I have been finding some really good stuff! Only problem with that is I want to keep all of it. So hard to let some of it go to the booth, but at least I can take pics, post them on here, and reminisce about those finds. Blogging about my finds keeps me from being a hoarder! Lol. I hope everyone has a great week!